Marine Warranty Services
Marine Warranty Surveyor
A Marine Warranty Surveyor (MWS) is typically a requirement of the insurance policy for the review and approval of high risk marine operations and transportations.
Good practices and safe execution require verification and examination of processes by an independent entity for mitigation of undue risk other than what is normally expected.
As marine warranty surveyor (MWS) we provide independent third-party technical review and approval of high value and/or high risk marine construction and transportation project operations, from the planning stages through to the physical execution.
MWS expertise
Today we can apply our MWS expertise to a full range of client projects and marine matters including but not limited to the following:
- offshore oil & gas developments
- onshore development projects
- Project Cargos
- rig moving
- trip in tow and scrap voyages.
MWS Survey
Our MWS services are focused on Namibia and Angola both key offshore markets. The network is manned by professionally qualified and experienced master mariners and marine and offshore discipline engineers and being regionally focused where we can supply local personnel and knowledge on the door step.
We are partnered up with ABL & DNV to provide your local requirements.